Charges — electricity and telephones


The standing charge is a fixed amount paid daily to the electricity supplier. It’s a little like a connection fee; you will then also pay for the electricity units that you actually use.

A high unit charge, also known as a normal charge, is for the operation of normal domestic appliances such as cookers, fridges, kettles etc., generally through the day.

A low unit charge is also referred to as off peak, and is for storage heating and hot water use during lower energy times, generally through the night.

For tips on how to maximise the efficiency of the storage heaters in your lodge you can download the Storage Heating information sheet – Download Storage Heating tips in PDF format

General view of lodge 40 at Coylumbridge HLC

Electricity charges are inclusive of VAT at the current rate.

Standing charge: £0.85 per day of occupation

High unit charge: £0.3348
Normal unit charge:  £0.2573